Thursday, March 5, 2015

Chapter One

 The Adventures of              Rosy CleverClaws:
                                Chapter I
          As the wind blew harshly, Rosy CleverClaws ran through coral canyons. Puggyluv, her admin, was offline, so she could do as she pleased. She sprinted down to the art studio that was carved into the red tinted clay. Her eyes glinted in the sun. As she walked in, she happily looked at the main room, and as most people know, the only room in the studio. But Rosy knew better than that.
When she was just a pup, her mother and father had taken her here. She remembered them showing her the small passageway underneath the potter’s wheel. She always been inquisitive, and so that trait had stuck with her through the 3 (human) years of her life. As she pulled of the portcullis, she jumped down into the passage which led to her home.
She slid down to the main room of her beautiful den, and landed on her small paws. Rosy was a very nimble girl. She put the old top hat her father had given her on her hat & coat rack and bounded off to her room. In Rosy’s room there was a lot of strange objects. A pink potted vase, which had small creatures on it, that had strange oval heads, and slender bodies; and adjoining “paws” The strangest thing about them was that they stood on their hind legs! The room was small but beautiful. It contained Rosy’s bed; that had a wooden headboard and pink sheets. The room also contained her chest, which had too many thing for me to tell you about; and Rosy’s favorite possession: Her art easel. It was given to her by her aunt, who was now her guardian, and Rosy’s aunt got it from her aunt, who got it from her aunt, who got it from her great aunt, who got it from an old pawn shop. Rosy’s aunt brought abominable disgrace to her family, because she never battled against the phantoms, but she was an alpha. Rosy’s aunt was Peck the bunny, the founder of the art studio. Despite most suspitions, Peck, Rosy’s aunt, had gone through many perils and plights for many people had thought it was not nessicarry to do artistic things while your partners were off at battle. After thinking about her aunt, she remembered why she was staying with her aunt.
“The Surly Phantoms” Rosy Lamented.

Rosy knew quite a lot about the phantoms form her studies, for rosy loved to read. They were always lurking, and were taut on vengeance. One day, when she was young and her parents were killed by the horrible creatures, she swore to herself, she would get them. She had spent years setting up snares, and scouring the land for them; but never had any luck. The she remembered something. She had left the passage to her home open.

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